Grant Recipients

Grant Recipients
The Board of Directors of Winning Home, Inc., is pleased to continue its mission of helping local children and families in need. The Winning Home property was put into trust over 100 years ago to be used as an orphanage and for the support of needy children. Since its conversion from a landowner to a charitable trust, Winning Home has made grants over $6.1 million to area charitable organizations.
2024 Recipients
Woburn Community Educational Foundation, Inc. ($20,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($100,000)
Gaining Ground, Inc. ($15,000)
The Children’s Room ($20,000)
Council of Social Concern ($95,000)
RAW Art Works ($25,000)
The Open Door ($25,000)
Strongwater Farm Therapeutic Equestrian Center ($7,500)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($7,500)
Wildflower, Inc. ($5,000)
The Wish Project, Inc. ($5,000)
Raising A Reader Massachusetts ($5,000)
Connor’s Kindness Project, Inc. ($7,500)
Social Capital Inc. ($5,000)
REACH Beyond Domestic Violence ($5,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($10,000)
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Woburn ($5,000)
Jewish Community Center Greater Boston ($7,500)
Cambridge Camping Association ($7,500)
Total 2024 = $377,500
2023 Recipients
Woburn Community Educational Foundation, Inc. ($20,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($100,000)
Gaining Ground, Inc. ($10,000)
The Children’s Room ($15,000)
Council of Social Concern ($90,000)
RAW Art Works ($20,000)
The Open Door ($20,000)
Strongwater Farm Therapeutic Equestrian Center ($5,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($5,000)
Wildflower, Inc. ($5,000)
The Wish Project, Inc. ($5,000)
St. Charles School ($5,000)
Raising A Reader Massachusetts ($5,000)
Connor’s Kindness Project, Inc. ($5,000)
Social Capital Inc. ($5,000)
REACH Beyond Domestic Violence ($10,000)
Pathways for Children ($10,000)
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Woburn ($5,000)
Jewish Community Center Greater Boston ($10,000)
Total 2023 = $350,000
2022 Recipients
Pathways for Children ($15,000)
Strongwater Farm Therapeutic Equestrian Center ($5,000)
The Children’s Room ($15,000)
The Open Door ($25,000)
Woburn Community Educational Foundation, Inc. ($20,000)
Gaining Ground ($12,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($5,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($5,000)
RAW Art Works ($20,000)
Council of Social Concern ($100,000)
Wildflower, Inc. ($5,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($100,000)
The Wish Project, Inc. ($5,000)
Raising A Reader Massachusetts ($5,000)
Connor’s Kindness Project, Inc. ($5,000)
Social Capital, Inc. ($5,000)
REACH Beyond Domestic Violence ($10,000)
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Woburn ($5,000)
Total 2022 = $362,000
2021 Recipients
Pathways for Children ($15,000)
Strongwater Farm Therapeutic Equestrian Center ($5,000)
The Childrens Room ($15,000)
The Open Door ($30,000)
Woburn Community Educational Foundation, Inc. ($15,000)
Gaining Ground ($12,000)
UTEC ($10,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($5,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($15,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($10,000)
RAW Art Works ($25,000)
Council of Social Concern ($110,000)
The Haven Project, Inc. ($5,000)
Community Harvest Project ($5,000)
Wildflower, Inc. ($5,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($83,333)
Community Rowing, Inc. ($5,000)
St. Charles School ($11,000)
The Wish Project, Inc. ($5,000)
Our Neighbors’ Table ($10,000)
Total 2021 = $396,333
2020 Recipients
Pathways for Children ($10,000)
Strongwater Farm Therapeutic Equestrian Center ($5,000)
The Childrens Room ($10,000)
The Open Door ($20,000)
Woburn Community Educational Foundation, Inc. ($10,000)
Gaining Ground ($12,000)
UTEC ($10,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($5,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($15,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($10,000)
RAW Art Works ($25,000)
Council of Social Concern ($100,000)
The Haven Project, Inc. ($5,000)
Community Harvest Project ($5,000)
Wildflower, Inc. ($5,000)
Horace Mann Educational Associates (HMEA) ($6,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($83,333)
Community Rowing, Inc. ($5,000)
NEADS ($15,000)
Project Home Again ($5,000)
Sojourner House ($7,485)
St. Charles School ($15,000)
Total 2020 = $383,818
2019 Recipients
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital ($10,000)
Pathways for Children ($10,000)
Strongwater Farm Therapeutic Equestrian Center ($5,000)
The Childrens Room ($10,000)
The Open Door ($15,000)
Woburn Community Educational Foundation, Inc. ($10,000)
Gaining Ground ($15,000)
UTEC ($10,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($10,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($20,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($10,000)
RAW Art Works ($25,000)
Council of Social Concern ($100,000)
The Haven Project, Inc. ($7,500)
Community Harvest Project ($5,000)
Wildflower, Inc. ($5,000)
Horace Mann Educational Associates (HMEA) ($5,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($83,333)
Total 2019 = $355,833
2018 Recipients
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital ($10,000)
Pathways for Children ($12,000)
Strongwater Farm Therapeutic Equestrian Center ($5,000)
The Childrens Room ($10,000)
The Open Door ($10,000)
Woburn Community Educational Foundation, Inc. ($5,000)
Gaining Ground ($10,000)
UTEC ($10,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($5,000)
NEADS ($10,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($10,000)
RAW Art Works ($20,000)
Council of Social Concern ($85,000)
The Haven Project, Inc. ($7,500)
Community Harvest Project ($3,000)
Wildflower, Inc. ($5,000)
Challenge Unlimited, Inc. at Ironstone Farm ($5,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($83,333)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($20,000)
Community Rowing, Inc. ($5,000)
Life Saver Ministries, Inc. ($10,000)
Total 2018 = $340,833
2017 Recipients
Life Saver Ministries, Inc. ($15,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($25,000)
Council of Social Concern ($90,000)
RAW Art Works ($20,000)
The Childrens Room ($10,000)
Woburn Community Educational Foundation, Inc. ($10,000)
Gaining Ground ($10,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($10,000)
Pathways for Children ($10,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($5,000)
NEADS ($10,000)
Horace Mann Educational Associates (HMEA) ($3,000)
Horizons for Homeless Children ($15,000)
UTEC ($10,000)
Woburn Public Library Foundation ($10,000)
The Open Door ($5,000)
Seven Hills Pediatric Center at Hopedale ($10,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($83,333)
Total 2017 = $351,333
2016 Recipients
Council of Social Concern ($80,000)
Life Saver Ministries, Inc. ($10,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($5,000)
Woburn Community Educational Foundation, Inc. ($5,000)
Pathways for Children ($5,000)
RAW Art Works ($15,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($25,000)
The Childrens Room ($10,000)
Social Capital, Inc. ($15,000)
Gaining Ground ($10,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($83,333)
Total 2016 = $263,333
2015 Recipients
NEADS ($10,000)
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital ($10,000)
Care Dimensions ($5,000)
Woburn Community Educational Foundation, Inc. ($5,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($50,000)
RAW Art Works ($20,000)
The Childrens Room ($10,000)
Life Saver Ministries, Inc. ($10,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($10,000)
Council of Social Concern ($85,000)
Gaining Ground ($10,000)
Total 2015 = $225,000
2014 Recipients
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($85,000)
Life Saver Ministries, Inc. ($10,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($10,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($45,000)
VNA Hospice Care ($10,000)
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center ($5,000)
Council of Social Concern ($95,000)
RAW Art Works ($15,000)
NEADS ($5,000)
Gaining Ground ($10,000)
The Childrens Room ($10,000)
Total 2014 = $300,000
2013 Recipients
NEADS ($5,000)
The Childrens Room ($10,000)
Gaining Ground ($15,000)
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital ($10,000)
Life Saver Ministries, Inc. ($5,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($5,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($45,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($10,000)
RAW Art Works ($10,000)
VNA Hospice Care ($10,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($80,000)
Council of Social Concern ($90,000)
Total 2013 = $295,000
2012 Recipients
Hearts & Noses Hospital Clown Troupe ($5,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($35,000)
Life Saver Ministries, Inc. ($5,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($5,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($5,000)
RAW Art Works ($10,000)
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital ($10,000)
VNA Hospice Care ($10,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($75,000)
Council of Social Concern ($80,000)
Total 2012 = $240,000
2011 Recipients
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($35,000)
Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program ($5,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($5,000)
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital ($10,000)
VNA Hospice Care ($10,000)
Why Me ($5,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($75,000)
Council of Social Concern ($80,000)
Total 2011 = $225,000
2010 Recipients
RAW Art Works ($5,000)
EMARC ($5,000)
VNA Hospice Care ($10,000)
Citizens for Adequate Housing, Inc. ($10,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($10,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($40,000)
Council of Social Concern ($90,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($90,000)
Total 2010 = $260,000
2009 Recipients
VNA Hospice Care ($10,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($15,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($40,000)
Council of Social Concern ($95,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($100,000)
Total 2009 = $260,000
2008 Recipients
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($10,000)
Council of Social Concern ($77,000)
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($80,000)
Total 2008 = $167,000
2007 Recipients
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($100,000)
Council of Social Concern ($61,500)
Camp Middlesex in Ashby ($50,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($50,000)
Hospice Care Inc. ($15,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($10,000)
CMARC ($10,000)
RAW Art Works ($10,000)
Notre Dame High School ($10,000)
EMARC ($8,500)
Total 2007 = $325,000
2006 Recipients
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($100,000)
Council of Social Concern ($50,000)
CMARC ($15,000)
Hospice Care Inc. ($15,000)
Visiting Nurses Association of Middlesex East ($10,000)
RAW Art Works ($10,000)
The Geoffrey Foundation ($50,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($50,000)
Total 2006 = $300,000
2005 Recipients
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($85,000)
Council of Social Concern ($25,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($15,000)
Hospice Care Inc. ($15,000)
Lazarus House Ministries, Inc. ($10,000)
Visiting Nurses Association of Middlesex East ($10,000)
The Childrens Room ($5,000)
Total 2005 = $165,000
2004 Recipients
Boys and Girls Club of Woburn ($85,000)
Council of Social Concern ($25,000)
Mission of Deeds, Inc. ($15,000)
CMARC ($5,000)
Total 2004 = $130,000
Winning Home, Inc.
P.O. Box 1308
Concord, MA 01742