Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Winning Home, Inc. offers these Frequently Asked Questions to help clarify who we are, what we do, and how our process works.

What is Winning Home, Inc.?

Winning Home is a private, non-profit charitable organization. It was established as a charitable trust through William Henry Winning’s last will and testament in 1898 to “provide and care for the needs of poor and destitute children.” Later, Winning Home’s articles of organization were broadened in a court of law and under the supervision of the Massachusetts Attorney General to provide “services and support to children who are economically, socially, physically, emotionally or mentally handicapped or disadvantaged and their families”.

Who runs Winning Home, Inc.?

Winning Home is governed by a Board of Directors under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. All of the directors of Winning Home, Inc. serve on a volunteer, unpaid basis.

Who is eligible for funding?

Only nonprofit tax-exempt organizations as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code are eligible for funding. Winning Home cannot review a proposal unless it is submitted by a tax-exempt organization that takes full legal, fiscal and administrative responsibility for the request.

What types of organizations or programs will not be considered for funding?

Programs and organizations already supported by tax revenues and/or religious or church-based activities ordinarily will not be considered.

What other types of things will not be considered?

Winning Home will not consider the purchase of blocks of tickets, support for benefits, solicitations from regular development campaigns or annual contribution drives. Also excluded are requests for conference and seminar expenses, projects to erect statues, memorials or the like, scholarships, internships, fellowships and loans.

Can grants span multiple years?

Yes. However, uses for a multi-year grant or succesive annual grants will not exceed three (3) fiscal years of the Grantee.

How do I begin the application process?

Learn more about our application process by visiting the “Apply” section of the website.

Winning Home, Inc.
P.O. Box 1308
Concord, MA  01742


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All Rights Reserved

Created by Doodle Consulting, LLC