Winning Home
Reaching out to children in need since 1898
Celebrating 125 years of service to children!
Winning Home, Inc., is a private, nonprofit charitable organization that provides services and support to children (and their families) who are economically, socially, physically, emotionally or mentally handicapped or disadvantaged.

Board member, Bob Maguire, was recently named the Volunteer of the Year by the James L. McKeown Boys and Girls Club of Woburn. Please see Our News page for more!

The Council of Social Concern is one of the organizations that was recently awarded a grant from Winning Home. Please see our Grants page for more!

Our Family Fall Fun Fair to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Winning Home and 60th anniversary of the James L. McKeown Boys and Girls Club of Woburn was a beautiful sunny day full of excitement and adventure! Many thanks to all who joined us for the special event and to all our amazing volunteers. See Our News page for more!
Winning Home, Inc.
P.O. Box 1308
Concord, MA 01742